Friday, March 30, 2007

One More Thing about Genesis

A couple of comments in class today as well as some of the blogs I read alerted me to what I consider a misconception of Christianity. The unfortunate thing about the evolution/creation debate is the fact that the only sides of it that people hear about it are the extremes: both the so-called evangelic atheists and the passionate Biblical creationists. There is, in fact, a middle ground in which many Christians (myself included) accept evolution as the scientific explanation for God's creation of the world. I won't go into more detail here; I've already discussed some aspects of it in my previous entry and if you're really interested in the subject you could try reading the [short] book, Can You Believe in God and Evolution? A Guide for the Perplexed by Ted Peters and Martinez Hewlett (one is a professor of biology and the other a professor of theology, and they both are Christians in the "theistic evolutionist" camp). The main point I'm trying to make is that I don't believe Genesis rejects the idea that animals could evolve. Yes, it says that God created animals, but it doesn't say God created animals exactly as they are today.

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